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New York City Orthodontist uses Invisalign to fix narrow arches and crowded teeth – Invisalign

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( ) Dr. Stoess-Allen explains Invisalign treatment on a patient with upper and lower crowding in her New York office. For more information, visit our website or subscribe to our YouTube Channel.

Video Transcription:

Hi, my name is Dr. Janet Stoess-Allen and I'm an orthodontist. I am a premier preferred provider for Invisalign and I want to share a case with you today that I treated in just 10 months. A patient who presented with a lot of crowding over teeth and narrow arches and if you'll just take a look at the screen I'm going to go through this with you quickly.

This is showing her upper arch teeth, and you can see how the one sentron sizer on your upper left side is rotated. Just after the 10 month treatment plan we ended with this beautifully aligned arch that's perfectly straight teeth and broader. We used a bonded retainer made of white gold behind these upper anterior teeth so that that tooth that was shifted to begin with would not relapse.

On the lower arch, this patient started with a lot of crowding as you can see, particularly in the front of her front teeth. What we did was we did some expanding of the lower arch and ended with a perfectly aligned lower arch of teeth. Same thing, we used a bonded white gold lingual retainer from canine to canine to hold those teeth in place so there would be absolutely no relapse. This patient was thrilled, and was treated in a very very short period of time with Invisalign.

New York City Orthodontist uses Invisalign to fix narrow arches and crowded teeth – Invisalign

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