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Invisalign clear aligner bite ramps and how they fix deep overbites l Dr. Bailey

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Ever wonder what bite ramps are for on your Invisalign clear aligners? Dr. Bailey explains what they're for, what they look like, and how to care for them. Not all patients have bite ramps – usually only the patients with deep overbites will have them.
Dr. Bailey is a board certified orthodontist and co-founder of TrayMinder®.

TrayMinder® is an app that helps busy aligner users to remember to wear their trays so that they can achieve their best possible smile.
Download the free TrayMinder® app today to help you get better results from your clear aligner therapy: .

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Disclaimer: This video is not intended to provide diagnosis, treatment, or medical/dental advice. Content provided on this YouTube channel is for informational purposes only. Please consult with an orthodontist or dentist regarding any dental related diagnosis or treatment options. Information on this YouTube channel should not be considered as a substitute for advice from a healthcare professional. The statements made about specific products throughout this video are not to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.

Author: admin

11 thoughts on “Invisalign clear aligner bite ramps and how they fix deep overbites l Dr. Bailey

    1. Bites can be improved at any age. 19 is very young. Bite ramps help to improve deep overbite, which is the vertical overlap of your front top and bottom teeth.

  1. Hey so I just got invaslign today and I have bumps on the top of my bottom and top mollar alligners that don’t let my teeth/alligners touch when I close my mouth. Am I supposed to move my bottom jaw forward which makes the gap smaller bc I do have an overbite

    1. Hi there, this question is best answered by your orthodontist/dentist. Invisalign does have a feature called mandibular advancement, which encourages the patient to move their bottom jaw forward to correct an excess overjet (horizontal distance between between the top front teeth and bottom front teeth).

    1. Usually bite ramps on the front teeth help to open the bite, thus correcting the deep bite. Rarely bite ramps or attachments are added on the back teeth to intrude (push teeth toward the gums) the back teeth, thus correcting the open bite.

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